7 Ways You Can Beat The Heat With Cotton Night Pyjamas


The key to remaining cool this summer is to open your windows and let the breeze in. Finding the lightest, softest, and most breathable materials on the market when wearing PJs in the summer is often a challenge. You'll need a pair of PJs that are flowy and airy to keep you comfortable on hot summer nights. These amazing summer pyjama sets will help you beat the heat this year. The most cost-effective and coolest material is usually light cotton. Other fabrics that work well are light sateen, linen, and hemp-based fabrics. Avoid wearing too many synthetic blends since they include plastic materials woven into the fabric, which makes it difficult to breathe. Here are seven reasons that make cotton one of the best materials for summers:


1. Controls moisture: Cotton fabric, like a towel, is breathable and transports moisture away from the body while also absorbing liquid from the skin. It assists you to stay comfortable while exercising by preventing moisture from accumulating between your skin and your clothing.


2. Provides insulation while sleeping: Cotton clothing provides thermal insulation, which protects against the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter by trapping air between the fabric threads. The fibres in the cotton fabric help keep the fabric away from the skin and allow more air to be trapped between the cloth and skin for insulation. Thus it helps in maintaining an optimum body temperature throughout the night.


3. It is hypoallergenic: Allergies are uncommon in this type of clothing, and wearing cotton is often recommended for persons with skin allergies. Because cotton is hypoallergenic and does not irritate the skin, it is ideal for usage during the summer when you're on a trip and this cloth will protect your skin from direct sun exposure.


4. It is breathable: Cotton is a comfortable and soft fabric. Cotton is also chemical-free and completely natural. Natural materials are highly breathable and promote air circulation, which keeps fungi out of dark, moist settings. Synthetic fabrics can not provide this level of airflow, and constrictive clothes made of human-made materials can promote yeast growth.


5. It is durable: It is strong and long-lasting. All cotton garments are machine washable and can withstand multiple hot water washes. Cotton fibres dye beautifully, resulting in vibrantly coloured yarn. Cotton is permeable and does not hold odours as well as oil-based materials, so you can save a few trips to the laundry room between wears. It's great not to have to do laundry. You'll save money, water, and energy while extending the life of your clothes.


6. Allows you to be comfortable: Don't fall into a sweat trap! Cotton breathes better than synthetic materials made from oil, such as polyester, and is therefore ideal for working exercise. Furthermore, moisture-wicking cotton is designed to keep you dry and cool as you exercise. Cotton might be many things, but it isn't clingy! If you want items that don't cling, stick to cotton.


7. Good for people with sensitive skin: Cotton fibres (particularly organic cotton fibres) are one of the few natural fibres that cause little allergy reactions and do not irritate human skin. Cotton's hypoallergenic characteristics and moisture-wicking properties will not irritate dry skin or create allergic responses, even in persons who are prone to rashes or eczema. Synthetic fibres, such as polyester or acrylic, can exacerbate dry skin by trapping sweat and depleting the skin of its natural oils. Because synthetic textiles tend to trap moisture, they can cause rashes, skin allergies, and body odour. As a result, cotton ladies' sleepwear may be the greatest option for persons with asthma or allergies, as well as those who have sensitive skin.


These were seven reasons why cotton is regarded as one of the best materials for sleepwear during summers. Women’s pyjama pants in cotton also become very popular during summers since denim jeans are not the ideal choice for beating the heat. Looking for a place to purchase cotton nightwear for women online? Check out House Of Dreams, India’s no. 1 online luxury sleepwear store. From quirky sleepwear to chic loungewear, House Of Dreams has it all. Check out their collection at www.houseofdreams.in!


